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PROVISIT – What to do in case of treatment at a hospital?
During the admission, please present the Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card), which you received with your insurance certificate. Hospitals usually contact us after the admission and the billing will be settled directly with the hospital.
The policy covers emergency treatment and urgent operations within compulsory health insurance without optional services.
If such inpatient treatment is not an emergency treatment, we recommend arranging the details of the planned therapy beforehand with our claims department. This way, we can help you to minimize any financial risk.
What to do in the event of toothache?
Please inform your dentist about the details of your insurance coverage by providing him with our Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) prior to the treatment. In case of toothache, you usually receive immediate dental treatment. Such treatment aims to reduce pain and to treat the respective tooth. As with any other travel health insurance, the policy covers simple fillings (emergency dental treatment) for the relief of new and acute pain. For details, go to: What to do in the event of toothache?