Why do so many people want to explore the Schengen countries so…

Why do so many people want to explore the Schengen countries so much?

Exploring the Schengen Zone and its natural and architectural beauties is in the to do lists of many people from all around the world. You can visit it too; all you have to do is get yourself a Schengen Visa.

Create wonderful memories for yourself and your partner by traveling to the Schengen member countries and experience the beauty that Europe has to offer.

You can do this over a week by applying for a Schengen visa.

Non-EU nationals who require a Schengen visa but also have a national visa in one of the Schengen states.

They do not need to apply for another Schengen visa to visit the other states in the area for the duration of their stay.

How many times do tourists travel around the Schengen borders in one year?

57 million of crossings in the Schengen borders, out of 1.3 billion each year are made from transport of products. The other crossings are made by tourists. This shows how beneficial the Schengen Agreement is to companies.

In which embassy should you apply if you want to visit multiple Schengen states?

If you have no clear main destination or the purpose of your trip is the same in all Schengen countries you will visit (ex. Tourism), then you will have to apply at the application center of the member state where you will first travel to. You need to bring your passport with you.

Can a complaint change the embassy’s mind if you get your visa rejected?

Many people benefit from writing a complaint letter to the embassy, also known as an appeal letter. You have to mention your strong reasons to convince the embassy to reconsider your visa.

What do you need to keep in mind when you collect your documents before applying for the Schengen Visa?

Keep in mind to save copies of all your documents when applying for a Schengen Visa. The reason why you need to make copies for yourself is that the embassy won’t return any of the documents except your passport.

Which countries in EU aren’t part of the Schengen Visa Agreement?

Out of all the countries in Europe, Ireland is an EU country that is not part of the Schengen zone. Some other new EU states like Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania are not yet part of the Schengen Area but will be members in the future.