How does writing an appeal letter benefit you and when should you…

How does writing an appeal letter benefit you and when should you write it?

If you have been denied entry to Germany then you can write and appeal letter to the embassy. In this letter you have to include strong reasons why you think that you deserve the visa.

Which Visa do most people who come from non-EU countries apply for?

People who come from countries that don’t have a visa liberalization agreement with Schengen member states mostly apply for the Tourist or Visitor Visa for Germany. This is the most applied for visa in Germany.

Is it common for a German Visa application to get denied the first time?

A German visa is very common to be denied in the first time. Many people have to apply multiple times for a visa so they can finally get entry to the German country. If this is your case too, then you should try other times to get the visa but be careful to submit all the documents needed.

What are the documents needed for a German Visa application?

Some of the documents you need for any Germany visa application are: an application form, passport, a photo, health insurance, Travel Itinerary and proof of financial means by you or anyone else that is willing to finance your travel and stay in Germany.

Is Germany a good place to look for jobs?

Being one of the most developed countries in the world, Germany has a lot to offer to all people who are interested in getting a job here. You can pretty much find a job in any sector possible.

Which Visas were the most issued in recent years?

The most visas issued by Germany recently were to Armenian applicants who applied in Greece consulate. Only about 10% got their visa rejected.

In order to get your Visa accepted make sure to follow these steps before applying!

First: collect all the needed documents, select the right type of visa, make an appointment with the embassy for an interview, pay for the visa fee, attend the interview and wait for the embassy to respond to your application.

What type of Visa do you need to apply for if you have your partner or family member over in Germany?

Having your family near is what each one of us deserves and needs. While most families are distributed among states, especially some are in Germany; you will need a family reunion visa for Germany to join your relatives or partner.