Not all European Union countries are part of the Schengen zone and…

Not all European Union countries are part of the Schengen zone and not all Schengen states are part of the European Union.

This is an important fact to know because you will have different visa application procedures for each.

What do you need for the interview in the embassy for your Schengen Visa?

Personal appearance is required at the embassy you will apply at and is usually made by appointment only. You will have to book an appointment early as the visa application may take months to process and make a decision.

What you can do if you get your Visa rejected is to make sure to take notes of the reasons why you didn’t obtain one.

These reasons will be helpful the next time you decide to apply for a visa because you will have the right instructions and you will know which documents were missing or which ones were incorrect.

Why is the Schengen Visa one of the best ones out there?

If you want to travel to many countries in three months, you would need a visa for each and every one of these countries but with a Schengen Visa you only need to apply once. You can learn more about the beautiful continent of Europe, and you can visit many of its countries with a Schengen visa.

Non-EU nationals who require a Schengen visa but also have a national visa in one of the Schengen states.

They do not need to apply for another Schengen visa to visit the other states in the area for the duration of their stay.

What does having a Schengen Visa mean for an international visitor?

For international travel purposes, 26 European countries in 1985 created a type of agreement called the Schengen Agreement. This area eliminated passport checks for every Schengen visa holder and since then tourism reaches its peak in Europe year by year.

Here are a few tips on the process of receiving the Schengen Visa!

When you are in the process of getting your documents ready for the Schengen Visa, make sure that their data is correct. Regarding your photo, make sure that the background is plain, nothing covers your face, your facial expression is neutral, you look straight into the camera and the quality of the picture is high.

Do you want to travel around Europe and not only in one country?

Making a trip to Paris might become boring after a few days. Wouldn’t you like to pass the border and visit Madrid instead? You can do this if you obtain a Schengen visa.