Is the Schengen Visa convenient for tourists who want to travel around…

Is the Schengen Visa convenient for tourists who want to travel around Europe?

The answer is yes. Usually, when you want to visit other countries you have to go through visa applications, passport control multiple times. With a Schengen visa, you can do this (visit many places) with just one visa application procedure.

Can a complaint change the embassy’s mind if you get your visa rejected?

Many people benefit from writing a complaint letter to the embassy, also known as an appeal letter. You have to mention your strong reasons to convince the embassy to reconsider your visa.

Non-EU nationals who require a Schengen visa but also have a national visa in one of the Schengen states.

They do not need to apply for another Schengen visa to visit the other states in the area for the duration of their stay.

Which countries in Europe aren’t part of the Schengen Zone but still can travel there with the Schengen Visa?

Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are the European Union member states that are not part of the Schengen zone. Holders of a Schengen visa can still enter these states without applying for any other visa.

What are the requirements for tourists under the age of 18?

If you’re under 18 years old, besides the basic required documents (passport, pictures, travel insurance etc.) you will need your birth certificate and the authorized consent of parental authority when you apply for a Schengen visa.

Can you travel to another country with the Schengen Visa if you get bored?

If you apply for a visa to Paris and during your stay there you get bored of the French language, don’t worry, the Schengen visa you hold gives you permission to cross the border to other Schengen states.

What are the 2 most visited countries in the Schengen Zone and how many visitors/applicants did it have?

Germany holds the first place when it comes to visitors that hold the Schengen visa. In the past years Germany had 2 million visitors with this visa. Whereas, the primary destination remains France with 4 million applications.

Make sure you check whether you need a Schengen Visa or not because many people make that mistake!

Not all citizens of all countries need to apply for a Schengen visa. Before you do so, check if you are required to hold a Schengen visa if you want to cross the Schengen borders.