What happens if you get rejected…

What happens if you get rejected by the embassy?

If it happens that your visa gets denied when you apply for one in Germany, that is okay! Many visas get rejected and the embassy will send you a response telling you of the reason.

What are the types of Student Visa you can apply for?

The second most wanted visa for Germany is the Student Visa with its types of a Language Course Visa (lasts up to a year), Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung)  and the Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken)

What is one of the most important document each embassy asks for?

One important document every German embassy asks for is the travel insurance and the letter that proves that you can support yourself or someone else can support you financially during your stay in Germany. The German embassy is strict about these.

How does writing an appeal letter benefit you and when should you write it?

If you have been denied entry to Germany then you can write and appeal letter to the embassy. In this letter you have to include strong reasons why you think that you deserve the visa.

What type of Visa do you need to apply for if you have your partner or family member over in Germany?

Having your family near is what each one of us deserves and needs. While most families are distributed among states, especially some are in Germany; you will need a family reunion visa for Germany to join your relatives or partner.

How many visitors has Germany had over the years?

Germany continues to be a wanted tourist attraction throughout the years. Almost half a billion visitors will tell you that they were charmed by the delicious food, the different kinds of beer and the hospitality of the nationals.

Do all countries have a German embassy?

You have to check if your country has a German embassy or consulate or visa center. Some small countries don’t have embassy so you have to go to the right place where you can get the correct information about the documents.

Why is Germany such a popular option for job opportunities for international visitors?

People worldwide look for better careers, higher salaries and better job conditions. That’s why so many people pick Germany to be the place they turn to to find better jobs.