Which regions in Germany are the most visited? East Frisian and North Frisian Islands are the most visited tourist…

Which regions in Germany are the most visited?

East Frisian and North Frisian Islands are the most visited tourist regions in Germany. The Baltic Sea coasts of Holstein, Mecklenburg and Vorpommern, the Rhine Valley, the Bavarian and Black Forest and Alps are also added to this list.

As a tourist, what should you plan beforehand to make your experience in Germany unforgettable?

Germany is a very big country and almost every area of it has something to offer. Before visiting this country, try to make a plan of where you want to go, as there is more to Germany than Berlin or the city life.

Can you travel around Germany easy if you only speak English?

Being away from your home country can be scary, especially because of the unfamiliar surroundings. You don’t have to worry about this if you’re traveling to Germany. If you happen to know English, you can pretty much ask anyone in the street and they will understand and reply to you.

What are the most popular festivals in Germany?

Germany loves to celebrate for anything! From the famous Rhine in Flames, to Oktoberfest, DFB Pokal, Karneval, Asparagusfest and Onionfest and Christmas markets, Germany is known for its fun atmosphere.

What do you need to know if you are traveling to Germany with your car?

If you are traveling to Germany on the road, you should know all the entry and exit requirements for your final destination. If you have incorrect documentation you may be denied access to connecting flights.

Why is Germany the perfect place to visit for anyone no mater what they like?

Germany is a country where you can find ways to be a part of the fast paced life and to relax too. In Germany you can find more than 1,000 beauty hotels and more than 350 spas, a wide range of specialist clinics.

Which documents do you need in case you have to apply for a German Visa?

The documents you need to apply for any Germany visa application are a valid passport, a photo of you, health insurance, an application form, Travel Itinerary and proof of financial means by you or anyone who will finance your travel and stay.

Which are the TOP destinations to visit in the city of Frankfurt?

If you are interested in learning more about the history of the city of Frankfurt while you are visiting Germany you can firstly choose to visit the old City Hall and the Saint Bartholomew’s Cathedral.