What do you need to do before submitting the online application? Before…

What do you need to do before submitting the online application?

Before submitting the online application for an ETIAS visa you will need to answer some basic personal information so the application process can identify if you should be given a travel authorization.

What eligible actions do you have to take after obtaining the ETIAS authorization?

Firstly, you have to enter the first country you stated in your application and after that you can only visit the Schengen country because this authorization only allows you that much.

Is ETIAS a reliable source to apply for a Visa?

Several teams are constantly working to bring ETIAS into a near-perfect process. If your ETIAS authorization is rejected, there must be a strong reason to do so, therefore you should recheck your documents and reapply.

What are the goals of the ETIAS Visa?

Increasing security, minimizing application processes, strengthening the protection of European Union borders and lowering crime and terrorism is what ETIAS seeks to so. These have been the primary goals of the heads of EU states.

Traveling across Schengen is an experience in its own.

People come here constantly to visit the amazing architecture and be part of the culture. ETIAS will the easiest form of documentation to do this with. Unfortunately you will have to wait because this type of Visa isn’t out yet.

Do you have family in Europe and want to visit them?

In this case, besides filling out your basic information in the ETIAS online application form, you have to submit proof of your relationship, residence card and some other background information of your family member.

How to attend summer programs in the easiest way possible in EU?

Summer programs can be a fun and exciting experience that will bring you so much new information about specific fields of study. All students can now enter the Schengen zone by using the easiest type of visa: ETIAS.

How many states are in the ETIAS list?

More states are expected to be added to the ETIAS list during these months. This is a new system and the steps to make it better are ongoing. Currently there are 60 states that will apply this method of travelling.